Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Practice Abstract 62 - Application of reduced tillage technologies to winter wheat after late harvest of grain legumes

Short title (in English): 
Application of reduced tillage technologies to winter wheat after late harvest of grain legumes

Short summary for practitioners (in English): 
Stockless farms lack good pre-crops for cereals. Grain legumes (peas and faba beans) in crop rotation help to solve this problem. Faba beans have a high nitrogen fixation and photosynthetic efficiency. However, the late ripening and harvesting of the legumes make it difficult to prepare the soil for sowing winter cereals properly and in time. The application of reduced tillage and direct drill technologies would increase reliance on faba beans as pre-crop and benefits in crop rotation.
When winter wheat was grown using reduced tillage and direct drill technologies, the germination of cereals was 50% and 42% better, respectively, the development of plants according to the cultivated mass was 1.8 and 2.2 times higher in the spring, and the grain yield was 8 and 19% higher, compared to traditional tillage.
Winter wheat grown after faba bean pre-crop in light loam, depending on local conditions and on the farm available techniques, it is recommended to apply the traditional plowing or reduced tillage, and direct drill technology, in case if soil preparation, sowing of winter cereals and in the period of their germination sufficient rainfall, and the sowing of the grain still possible to do in due time. However, if the autumn sowing the period is dry and the sowing dates for winter cereals expire, and in lighter soils for winter wheat cultivation after beans it is recommended to apply time, energy and soil moisture-saving of reduced tillage or direct drill technology. Ref:

Contact details: Aušra Arlauskien?, Lina Šar?naite, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry,

Short title (native language): 
Žem?s dirbimo technologij? taikymas žieminiams javams po v?lai nuimam? pupini? augal?

Short summary for practitioners (native language): 
Augalininkyst?s ?kiuose tr?ksta ger? priešs?li? migliniams javams. Ši? problem? padeda spr?sti pupini? jav? (žirni? ir pup?) auginimo s?jomainoje pl?tra. Pupos pasižymi gana geru azoto fiksavimo
ir fotosintez?s efektyvumu. Ta?iau d?l v?lyvo pup? derliaus subrendimo ir nu?mimo po j? sunku tinkamai ir laiku paruošti dirvas žiemini? jav? s?jai. Supaprastinto (bearimio) žem?s dirbimo ir tiesiogin?s s?jos technologij? taikymas leist? labiau pasitik?ti ir pup? priešs?liu, jo tinkamumu ir nauda s?jomainoje.
Kai žieminiai kvie?iai buvo auginti taikant supaprastinto žem?s dirbimo ir tiesiogin?s s?jos technologijas buvo atitinkamai jav? išsikr?mijimas 50 ir 42 % geresnis, augal? išsivystymas pagal išaugint? mas? pavasar? atsinaujinus vegetacijai 1,8 ir 2,2 karto didesnis, o o gr?d? derlius 8 ir 19 % didesnis, palyginti su tradiciniu žem?s dirbimu.
Žieminius kvie?ius auginant po pup? priešs?lio lengvame priemolyje, priklausomai nuo vietos s?lyg? ir ?kyje turimos technikos, rekomenduojama taikyti ir tradicinio (arimo) ar supaprastinto žem?s dirbimo, ir tiesiogin?s s?jos technologijas, jeigu dirv? ruošimo, žiemini? jav? s?jos laikotarpiu pakanka krituli?, o jav? s?j? dar ?manoma atlikti tinkamais terminais. Ta?iau jeigu rudens s?jos periodas sausringas, o žiemini? jav? s?jos terminai baigiasi, ir lengvesniuose dirvožemiuose žieminius kvie?ius auginant po pup? rekomenduojama taikyti laik?, energij? ir dirvožemio dr?gm? taupan?ias supaprastinto žem?s dirbimo arba tiesiogin?s
s?jos technologijas.


Contact details: Aušra Arlauskien?, Lina Šar?naite, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry,
