Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Drying alfalfa hay by a farmers group in Verteillacois (Dordogne, France)

A group of 9 farmers from the south of the Dordogne are launching this value chain which has been experimented since 2014. The first results are very satisfactory. The quality of the bales has been greatly improved. It is now a matter of finalizing the drying process and launching the collective approach.

The objectives are:

  • for breeders to increase their level of food autonomy by producing hay thanks to the drying method
  • for field crop producers to demonstrate that alfalfa, in crop rotation system, contributes to performing systems and input thrifty crop systems (pesticides and fertilizers).

Dried bales of alfalfa are stored in a common drying place. They can be stored waiting for selling or they can be used by the farmer for his herd. Growing alfalfa is especially pesticides efficient. Two to three years of growing require no treatment. The expected impact from the extension of the rotation with a perennial crop as alfalfa is a reduction of weed pressure on the growing system.
