Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Practice Abstract 61 - Legumes for more efficient use of nitrogen in crop rotations of organic farming (Lithuania)

Short title (in English): 
Legumes for more efficient use of nitrogen in crop rotations of organic farming (Lithuania)

Short summary for practitioners (in English): 
The sustainability of an organic crop rotation frequently depends on the residual effects of legume pre-crops. However, the contribution of legumes varies considerably depending on their species as well as local soil and climatic conditions. The study aims to compare the pre-crop effects of traditional grain and forage legumes with those of soybean, which is not widespread in Europe latitude 55° due to climatic constrains, on the productivity and quality of subsequent cereals. Farmers are increasingly interested in soybeans and would like to grow more.
The pre-crop value of different types of legumes (red clover, peas, and soybeans) varies, but all legumes improve crop rotation productivity and supplement it with nitrogen. According to the amount of fixed and transferred nitrogen and the usefulness for crop rotation, the legumes used in the study are distributed as follows: red clover - soybeans - peas. The comparable percentages of N (59–68%) were left by the residues of red clover and spring barley mixture. As a result, the greatest effect on subsequently grown spring wheat was exerted by the mixture of spring barley and red clover. Spring wheat produced higher yield after al legumes than after sole cereals.
In order to increase the N content in the soil, the residues of all legumes should be incorporated into the soil, as their N content of 24-81 kg ha-1 improves the soil fertility. In order to improve the N balance in spring cereals, soybeans are very useful as pre-crop, but at present it is more useful to grow red clover (+54 kg / ha N). The present study shows that soybean cultivar from an early maturity group can fully develop above the northern boundary of soybean distribution, however wider growing of soybean need more trials on management options.

Short title (native language): 
Pupiniai augalai efektyvesniam azoto panaudojimui ekologinio augalininkyst?s ?kio s?jomainose

Short summary for practitioners (native language): 
Ekologin?s s?jomainos tvarumas dažnai priklauso nuo pupini? augal? priešs?li? liekamojo efekto. Ta?iau pupini? augal? ind?lis labai skiriasi priklausomai nuo j? r?šies, taip pat vietinio dirvožemio ir klimato s?lyg?. Tirtas ?vairi? r?ši? pupini? augal? – žirni?, soj? ir raudon?j? dobil? ?s?lio – azoto fiksacijos ir panaudojimo efektyvumas. Svarbu ?vertinti tradicini? gr?dini? ir žolini? pupini? augal? ?tak? po j? augint? kvie?i? produktyvumui ir kokybei, bet svarbu ir mažiau ?prast? augal? kaip gauruotosios sojos, kuri n?ra pla?iai paplitusi Europos 55° platumos klimato s?lygomis, ta?iau ?kininkai vis labiau domisi ir nor?t? pla?iau auginti.
?vairi? r?ši? pupini? augal? (raudon?j? dobil?, žirni? ir soj?) kaip priešs?lio vert? yra nevienoda, ta?iau visos pupini? augal? r?šys gerina s?jomainos produktyvum? ir j? papildo azotu. Pagal fiksuoto ir atiduoto azoto kiek? bei naudingum? s?jomainai, pupiniai augalai pasiskirsto taip: Raudon?j? dobil? ?s?lis - Sojos – Žirniai. Raudonieji dobilai, ?s?ti ? vasarinius miežius, didži?j? dal? (59–68 %) azoto sukaupia organin?se liekanose palieka kitiems augalams. Vasariniai kvie?iai, auginti po vasarini? mieži? su raudon?j? dobil? ?s?liu, po žirni? ir po soj? dav? didesn? derli? nei po miglini? jav?. Siekiant padidinti N kiek? dirvožemyje ? dirvožem? ?terpti vis? pupini? augal? liekanas, nes jose esantis 24–81 kg/ha N kiekis gerina dirvožemio derlingum?. Siekiant pagerinti N balans? vasariniuose javuose kaip priešs?lis soja labai naudinga, ta?iau kol kas naudingiau auginti raudon?j? dobil? ?s?l? (+54 kg/ha N). D?l soj? s?kmingo auginimo dar reik?t? daugiau tyrim?. :
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