Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Online Pulse Agronomy Guide

TU39 - Maize in the Rotation

January 2025
Maize in the Rotation
Maize is a spring crop which growers may consider as another opportunity to address grass weed problems. Increasingly grown for energy production in some rotations, it can present the opportunity to grow two spring crops following each other.

Area of maize is predicted to increase, and those growing peas and beans should be aware that the inclusion of maize in the rotation can restrict the suitability of land for peas or beans.
The table below lists some herbicides that are used in maize production, several of which do not permit peas or beans as a following crop. Growers should also be aware that legumes can also be damaged by the spray drift from some of these products if maize crops are grown close by. Drifting sulfonylureas, hormone type herbicides and mesotrione will not be tolerated well by peas or beans. These materials also pose spray tank contamination issues should peas/beans be treated after applications to maize crops.

The information below has been taken from product labels, is not exhaustive and offers examples of possible issues and guidance only. Please ensure you check appropriate product labels. Maize harvesting equipment is heavy. Harvest can begin in September in warmer parts of the country but carry on into October in more northern areas when conditions can be getting wetter. This may mean soil compaction is a problem without remedial action.
